Friday, December 31, 2010

India - we have arrived!

Dear Reader,
The Travelling Goddesses arrived in Mumbai at 1.45am after an uneventful flight from Sydney via Singapore. After the usual confusion of arrival procedures at the airport we were met by our driver & travelled through the pre dawn streets of Mumbai, experiencing the sights & sounds of drivers sounding their horns on nearly deserted streets; construction workers (yes - in the middle of the night!); homeless sleeping; people & dogs roaming the streets. We welcomed our arrival at the very comfortable Marine Plaza Hotel After a few hours rest we've been for a promenade along Marine Drive which seems to be the place for young lovers & other locals enjoying a leisurely walk- weather is hot with a very pleasant sea breeze.
Back at the hotel we enjoyed an unexpected pleasure when afternoon tea of sweet delights & fruit was delivered to our room by the hotel staff - see above photo.
The TG's are eagerly anticipating the new years eve celebrations to the held at the hotel which promise many delights including "American Impressions.........the Carnival of Brazil..................5 themed party zones with matching cuisine & foot-stomping music". The concierge assured us as much food & drink as we can enjoy! So it looks like its party time in Mumbai for the TG's!!!
Stay posted for the next installment........
Happy new year 2011.
Nameste, Kate

Thursday, December 30, 2010

India - here we come!

Dear Reader,

The Travelling Goddesesses are about to embark on their next grand adventure in India. TG's Kate, Barbara & Robyn depart Sydney at 4.55pm today on a big shining Qantas plane - first stop Mumbai, followed by Ahmedabad, Agra & Jaipur. Jaipur is the location of our great creative adventure at the Wonderful Workshops.

I must say that even though this is my third time at the Wonderful Workshops, I'm still eagerly anticipating the creative adventure. Barbara & Robyn are attending for the first time.

2010 has been a momentous year for all TG's, for one thing I have retired & am looking forward to the new & exciting period in my life - the next of lifes great adventures!

But before the adventures can begin the dreaded packing must be completed - so must away...........

May 2011 bring all readers much joy & happiness. Stay posted for further updates.

Nameste........... Katexx

PS: Attached photo is a wonderful jacaranda in full bloom in our recent Sydney spring - this was the delightful view from my balcony.....................